
Metacognitive Review

Today's Activities:

1. Watch this video:

For Today's discussion: 

1. Use the Model of Metacognitive Activities in Studying (Table 7.1, p. 229) to describe how you used metacognition to learn and study Chapter 7 and The Flow Theory. Reflect on your study process. From a scale from 0 to 10, how knowledgeable do you feel about the perspectives and theories now? Do you feel you need to adapt some of your studying process to prepare for the next chapters?


  1. Use the Model of Metacognitive Activities in Studying (Table 7.1, p. 229) to describe how you used metacognition to learn and study Chapter 7 and The Flow Theory. Reflect on your study process. From a scale from 0 to 10, how knowledgeable do you feel about the perspectives and theories now? Do you feel you need to adapt some of your studying process to prepare for the next chapters?

    Defining the task.

    The task was very well understood. To understand the concepts about metacognition and problem solving (chapter 7) and understand the Flow theory.

    Goal setting and planning.

    When deciding how to study, I usually divide the task into smaller portions throughout the time I have. If I had a week to read the chapter or X days to complete it, I make the plan based on short-term goals and stick to the plan. It is easier for me to think about short-term goals, like this day I will finish these pages, tomorrow the next 10 pages, etc. than to think about reading the whole chapter for the due date. I also visualize the strategies I will use, for example, highlighting main concepts, taking notes, and reflect about what I have learned at the end of each part.

    Enacting study tactics and strategies.

    This is the core of the task. Now I start reading and implementing my strategies. I read, highlight, take notes, and summarize. I make sure I stick to the plan, otherwise my long-term objective will be at risk.

    Adapting studying.

    I make sure that before going to the next part, I fully understand the one I just finished. If this was not achieved, then I go back and adjust my reading and strategies according to what I missed. Sometimes (most of the time) I tend to read fast (I want to finish quickly) but that leads to misunderstand what I had read.

    My new ratings:
    Metacognition: 8
    Problem Solving: 8
    Flow Theory: 8

    For the following chapters I will continue with the plan I have implemented so far. Yes, maybe I will readjust some of the processes, but that will depend on the accomplishment of my short-term goals. 

    Thank you Cristi and Gaby!!! ;) VERY WELL DONE!!! :)

    1. Silvia,

      Your ratings improve quite a bit, that is awesome.

      You went from
      Metacognition 5
      Problem Solving 7
      Flow Theory 0-1

      To having 8 in all of them, and you explained your own study process. I hope that the information provided continues to help you.

      Have a great weekend.

  2. Reflection on study process on metacognition and the Flow theory –

    We all use metacognition in different ways to handle different tasks. For myself, I basically internalize what I need to learn using the following steps in studying chapter 7 (and pretty much all other chapters and readings):

    1. I survey the task-at-hand. I categorize my familiarity level to it, and determine how much time I will possibly need towards its completion and how much time I actually have for it. I also ask myself: have I seen something like this concept before?*

    2. I scan the text. How was it organized? Did the author use headings, subheadings, etc.? Where there graphs, pictures, other visuals, etc.?*

    *Steps 1 and 2 happen very fast, in a matter of a few to several minutes, since I would want to spring into action right away once I decide to start doing something.

    3. I think of the resources I will need to complete that task; then, I think of where I will need to get these resources. Will I need to look at something I have actually read in the past/from other classes that I can refer back to, to understand this text better or faster?

    4. I start reading. When reading, I annotate on the side margins and mark the text by highlighting and circling or underlining ideas.

    5. As I read, I also gather my resources: researching for information online, looking at other books, if necessary. When I encounter concepts that I do not really grasp despite the explanations in the chapter, I go online for reinforcement and/or clarification. Are the concepts explained the same way? Which explanation did I understand better? Is the source reputable?**

    **Step 5: only when needed, since this is also time consuming.

    6. I move on to the next task after reading. Do I need to write anything (an response, an essay, etc.)

    Self-evaluation on metacognition and/or Flow:

    Despite knowing a lot more after this week, I think there is still room for more learning, so I rate my self with the following:

    Metacognition: 8
    Flow Theory: 6.5 to 7

    Relating this response to the last part of the question and to the other presentation by Norma, Maria, and Betty on Sleep and Cognitive Development, I think that what I need to adjust is my hours of sleep. Like I said in another thread, I noticed that my absorption level and short term memory isn’t that good when I get very tired due to lack of sleep and other things that need attention (11 to 12-hr. workdays and another class), so I will probably need to manage my time better to improve my study process.

  3. Use the Model of Metacognitive Activities in Studying (Table 7.1, p. 229) to describe how you used metacognition to learn and study Chapter 7 and The Flow Theory. Reflect on your study process. From a scale from 0 to 10, how knowledgeable do you feel about the perspectives and theories now? Do you feel you need to adapt some of your studying process to prepare for the next chapters?

    I am glad that we went over this chapter because it has given me a new perspective in how to study without overwhelming myself. I am a nervous person and I never think I am doing what I am suppose to. I always question myself. This process of thinking has truly helped me.

    Thinking about Thinking!

    I personally use my cognitive skills and write notes on everything I feel I need to remember or might be very important. Then I use my cognitive strategies as I look over all vocabulary that is not familiar for a better understanding of the notes taken.

    Defining the task: I first write the title down and go over all the pages that I need to read. I like to read the summary of each topic to give me an idea of what this chapter will be about.

    Goal Setting: I take aside of how much time I have to take to get through this chapter. I look at my routine for the day then I plan how much I will be reading daily. I make sticky notes and place them on the pages according to days of the week depending on length or time needed to read chapter.

    Enacting study tactics and strategies: I begin my reading on a daily basis as how I placed my sticky notes. Sometimes things happen at home so I have to fine-tune my schedule and change it around. I will take more time or less time when needed.

    Adapt Studying: By this time I have completed my chapter and according to what is asked to complete for the week I reflect on my overall studying for the week. I somethimes will have to change my schedule and plan a different strategy of studying for the following week.

    Rate myself:
    Metacognition: 8
    Problem Solving-7

    Thank you ladies for a wonderful learning experience!

    1. Norma, I am glad you mentioned how you are nervous and you always question yourself (and I am really happy to read that this chapter have helped you reflect on that). This made me think on the connection of metacognition (reflecting about your learning) in relation to the Flow Theory. Reading your post made me think about how we (I have felt like that several times too, depending on the task) sometimes can feel uneasy with our cognitive strategies and we wonder whether we are doing the right thing. Reflecting on our learning process, and most importantly sharing all these metacognitive reflections, really help us become better learners, gain confidence, and hopefully at certain point reach a state of Flow. Thank you for sharing!

  4. In reading this and other chapters, I unitized some of the metacognitive strategies recommended by Dr. Lewis:
    Before reading: developing a plan
    Read the summary of the theory (Epilogue Table E.1: Brief Summary of Seven Contemporary Theories, pp. 434-435). What do I already know about this theory? What do I want to learn about this theory?
    Read the questions at the end of the chapter. What should I be able to answer after reading the chapter?
    Read the headings, subheadings, tables (text structure). What will I be learning about this theory?
    Review the key vocabulary and concepts under Check for Understanding in the Lesson Plan.
    Read the embedded summaries before delving into the reading.
    During reading: monitor.
    Use the glossary or internet to help with clarification of terms or concepts.
    Note taking.
    After reading: evaluate the plan.
    Review notes.
    How well did I learn the information presented in the chapter? Am I able to answer the questions at the end of the chapter as well as those being posed by my classmates? Do I need to go back and review? (Yes!)

    For further readings, I need to incorporate another recommended strategy by Dr. Lewis: “read in chunks; at the end of each chunk, consciously recall what you read and its relevance (reflection & assimilation); relate the content to experience.” Trying to finish the reading assignments too quickly, I failed to complete this critical step. Perhaps implementing this step will reduce my continued referencing of the book and articles.

    Ladies, you did an excellent job in the organization and presentation of materials.

    1. Thank you!!!

      I work similar to you. I read and reread, take notes, monitor for comprehension, I really appreciate the way you explained in your post.

      Thank you again,


  5. 1) defining the task - I flip through the chapter and skim some sections to get an idea of what it's about, the level of my familiarity with the material and how long I think it will take me to get through the reading. I notice headings, subheadings, vocab words, etc.
    2) goal setting and planning - I determine how much time I have to read and set a goal to get through page ___ in that amount of time.
    3) Enacting study tactics and strategies - I underline with a pencil when I read. Sometimes I use a highlighter, but I prefer a pencil because it has more drag on the page and I feel like I read slower that way. Silly, I know, but it works for me. When I read something I didn't quite understand, I go back and reread, sometimes even reading it out loud to better understand. Sometimes I google concepts or terms to read about it from a different source. Seeing it worded a different way often helps me understand it better. When I am actually studying for an exam, I go back through the chapter and reread what I underlined and make outlines. This helps me better internalize the information.
    Adapting - this method has worked for me pretty well since I learned those skills in my Study skills class in middle school. I hated it at the time, but the strategies have served me well ever since!!
    metacognition: 8
    problem-solving: 7
    flow: 6

    1. Carrie,

      I do some of the same things that you do. I underline with a pencil, I like to write what I understand, concepts in the margin and connections and such in post-it.

      Those skills have worked for me, reflecting in one of my classes. I should it have bought the book instead of renting it. I cant do any of the prior, and I find myself getting a little disorganized and lost.

    2. Gabby - that's another reason I use pencil! :) I use a soft lead pencil that hasn't been sharpened in a while so it doesn't leave as much as an imprint on the page. Then I go back and use a soft eraser to erase all the marks I made. Works every time! :)

  6. 1. Define the Task. I try to familiarize my self with the content. To be honest, I first take a look at the videos and then begin my readings. The videos give me a prior knowledge from which to work with as I read through the chapters and the articles. I am able to make more indepth connections this way.
    2. Goal setting and planning. I try to pace myself as I read, hoping not to get far behind on the reading. I plan to get my readings done by Tuesday, when the discussion begin.
    3. Enacting study-tactics and strategies. I use a colored pen to underline key information that I feel is important to understanding the concepts. I write notes to the side only if I can summarize the text at that moment. There are times that I must reread the text because something did not make sense to me.

    Ratings: metacognition 8
    Problem Solving 8
    Flow: 8

  7. 1) Define the task---each week's lesson provides a summary and resources such as videos or articles are provided to assist with the learning
    2)goal setting---chapter, articles, videos, peers comments are reviewed, highlighting and notes are taken within the chapters the book
    3)enacting study tactics and strategies---I usually have webster app to look up any rigorous words that are out of my vocabulary realm and when I need more information on the topic I usually try to read articles online that will explain it in another way
    problem solving:7
    flow: 7

  8. 1. Use the Model of Metacognitive Activities in Studying (Table 7.1, p. 229) to describe how you used metacognition to learn and study Chapter 7 and The Flow Theory. Reflect on your study process. From a scale from 0 to 10, how knowledgeable do you feel about the perspectives and theories now? Do you feel you need to adapt some of your studying process to prepare for the next chapters?

    I read summaries, watched videos, and your presentation (which was awesome by the way) in order to study the content provided for this week. I reflected upon the fact that the support of videos helped me understand some of the content that was rather confusing at first. Metacognitive strategies play a large role in helping students to problem solve and achieve Flow. They are interrelated and we can facilitate that learning. Although I have a deeper understanding of what this entails, on a scale of 0-10 I still feel I am at an 8 or so. Thank you for your material-it was very useful.

  9. In order for me to study, I have to make a plan. I need to make sure I'm a clean, not noisy at all and with little or no distractions. Usually late at night when everyone is asleep. Now that I'm in summer vacation I make myself drive to UTB, I go to the library and follow my plan of study, I stay there for three hours. I do this because it forces me to do my work, If I stay home I get sidetracked. When I'm at the library I get into my flow mode, I feel relax, motivated and accomplish. I feel that I have a deeper understanding on the different theories, although I can always learn more.
    metacognition 8
    problem solving 8
    flow 7

    1. Sandra, I might start doing that next week (going to the library). My home is very quiet but lately I have noticed myself getting sidetracked, like you said. I think it is due to anxiety, because usually I am very good at focusing on learning tasks. I will try the library next week. Thank you for sharing!

  10. Thank you ladies, I was a great way to collaborate.

  11. Thank you everybody for sharing your very detailed Metacognitive Reviews. Most of you rated yourselves 7 to 8's today. This shows very good progress in comparison to mostly 1 to 5's at the beginning of the week! We found that rating your learning was a good metacognition strategy to help learners with 'comprehension monitoring' (awareness of the quality and degree of comprehension and knowing what to do and how to do it when the learner discovers he or she has not understand the material p. 228). When our students rate themselves at the end of a lesson, we could ask: What concepts/materials/strategies do you think you were missing in order to get to a10? Some of you shared with us that you wanted to implement new strategies such as reading in chunks and reflecting the paragraph's relevance, changing your schedule, improving time management, and even improving your sleeping routine. As I was reading your reflections it made me think that I needed to improve in some of those areas too. Sharing this kind of self-reflection thoughts really help students see other 'thinking' possibilities, hence improve their metacognitive skills.

    Thank you very much for sharing your ideas, and for the positive comments to our blog :)


  12. In order to study or learn about a chapter, I start by skimming through the chapter and start counting the number of pages so I can visualize how long is the chapter, so I can plan accordingly. I also think about the time that I have in order to complete my task. After that I look at the different sections in the chapter (basically headings, subheadings and key terms) so I can use my own background knowledge and see what I already may know and what I need to spend more time on. Depending on the quantity of the chapter, I may read it all at once just to see what the chapter is about (at this stage I am not expecting that I will remember everything). My next step, is to read again with more time and concentration. As I read, I either highlight or mark the areas that I think are the most important. In addition, I take notes either in post its or journal and mark the page number so I can have as reference if I need to go back. When I am finished reading and there are some areas that I feel need to go back to better understand the concept, I mark it and go back later in the day or the following day. I also google when I don’t understand something because it helps me understand as I see it in a different way or perspective.

    New rating:
    Metacognition – 8

    Problem Solving – 8

  13. As I get ready to tackle a task (readings/assignments):
    a. I first get into an isolated room without distractions.
    b. I then define the task; what exactly is expected from me, what am I to use to get my answers (resources available).
    c. Goal setting and planning: When is the assignment due, take notes, plan when to take breaks so that I won't take too many or too long (have a plan to finish in time!)
    d.Study tactics: I read very carefully the assigned readings and use any resources available to help me such as taking notes,, and other search engines to get a better understanding.

    Problem Solving: 8
    Flow Theory 9

  14. Taking a look at Table 7.1 in our textbook helped me understand what goes on during studying. I am in my 2nd year of grad school and looking back, I do seem to follow this model.

    Stage 1: Defining the task: Tasks and examples of how they should be completed, along with rubrics and feedback have always been available to me in these 2 past years thanks to my professors and their syllabus.

    Stage 2: Goal setting and planning: I have always maintained positive about the goals, both short and long term, that I have set for myself. I cannot complain about the resources that I have available so that I can plan and accomplish my tasks. UTB provides a beautiful library in which we can study as well as the online resources that are available.

    Stage 3: Enacting study tactics and strategies: Over the years, I have used many study tactics and strategies. I've done it all, from taking my time to study, to working alone and working in groups. I have taken notes, watched videos, collaborated with peers, etc. I have been blessed with the ability to keep up with my classes, and with professors and peers that are helpful and willing to share their knowledge.

    There are some subjects that I can pick up on quickly, and others in which I struggle. When I do struggle, I tend to look up YouTube videos or simplified articles on the internet to help me understand what I'm reading in the textbook. Then, I reread the text, but this time I have more background knowledge on the subject and feel more at ease when reading.
    My new ratings are much higher than they were earlier this week:
    Metacognition: 8
    Problem Solving: 8
    Flow Theory: 9

    Thank you for all of the insightful information you have provided for us this week.

  15. This entire week I have been following the next metacognitive activities to complete my assignments.
    Define the task. I make sure to look at the printed lesson plan every day to check what needs to be done.
    Goal setting and planning: Once I know what needs to be done that becomes my goal. I then check if classmates have responded to see if we share similar discussions.
    Enacting study tactics and strategies: I read or watch the necessary videos until I grasp a clear understanding then I respond.
    My new Ratings:
    Metacognition: 8
    Problem solving: 8
    Flow Theory: 8

  16. Use the Model of Metacognitive Activities in Studying (Table 7.1, p. 229) to describe how you used metacognition to learn and study Chapter 7 and The Flow Theory. Reflect on your study process. From a scale from 0 to 10, how knowledgeable do you feel about the perspectives and theories now? Do you feel you need to adapt some of your studying process to prepare for the next chapters?
    1. Define the task- I go over the lesson plan to see what has to be done.
    2. Goal setting- Read the chapter by Monday so I can be ready for the weekly discussions and assignments.
    3. Enacting study tactics and strategies- I read the assigned materials, articles and watch videos that will explain the information in a different way so I can understand it better.
    Metacognition- 8
    Problem solving- 8
    Flow- 8
